Unit 201
Duplicate Bridge in Southeast Texas


Unit 201
Officers and Board
Board Meeting Minutes

Member Milestones

Beaumont Bridge Studio
Calendar and Results
Tournament Information
Tournament Results

Photo Gallery
Map and Directions

Orange Community Bridge League

San Augustine Bridge Club

Lufkin Bridge Club



Unit 201 -
Celebrating Connor Smith's "Heavenly" Birthday
November 15, 2017

Our Birthday Girl

Connor Smith, ACBL Life Master (1921-2016)
Thanks to Carol Lynn Looney and Kirby Smith, a pizza party to celebrate Connor Smith's birthday was enjoyed by all who played in the Limited and Open Games on Wednesday, November 15.  It was a special day to honor a special lady.  Connor played bridge as she lived life -- with a commitment to excellence and smile on her face.  She is missed by the Beaumont Bridge Studio.
Enjoying the Pizza and Libations
Enjoying the Game

Beaumont Bridge Studio | 950 North Street | Beaumont, TX  77701 | Phone 409-838-2447
Club Manager:  John Smalley | Phone 409-924-0706 | jnsmalley6@aol.com

Page Last Updated on 11/16/2017